In partnership with The Fresh Toast
The pandemic has altered the way in which we spend our money. Here are just some of the strange products that have sold well over the past several of months.
The pandemic has changed lots of things in our lives, from the way we eat to the way we occupy our free time. And it’s definitely changed our spending habits.
While some people may be taking this opportunity to save some money since they’re not going out or traveling as often as they used to, others are taking that money and spending it on unconventional things. Like bidets.
The Huffington Post compiled a list of the most purchased items throughout the pandemic. Here are
Roller skates
For some reason, people have been ordering so many roller skates that retailers have been struggling to keep up with demand. Maybe people are turning to roller skates as a new way of burning calories or maybe they’re just looking for alternative modes of transportation now that bikes are also very difficult to find. The world needs a new cheap mode of transportation.

Photo by Anton via Unsplash
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If you’re anywhere near social media, the fact that yeast has been selling like crazy since the start of the pandemic shouldn’t be a surprise. People are utilizing their time at home by making bread of all things, posting images of their hit and miss creations.
A scary statistic is one that was released by the FBI, claiming that they’d conducted 3.9 million background checks in June due to the sale of firearms. The pandemic has made everyone think of apocalyptic scenarios, making them purchase guns in order to feel safe. This also isn’t helped by the fact that it’s an election year, a time that usually bumps up the sales of guns.

Photo by Mike Von via Unsplash
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While clothing sales have dropped dramatically, with plenty of large and recognized stores filing for bankruptcy, sweatpants have done well. Really well, actually, with shops reporting an 80% spike in sales. Now that we spend most of our days lounging around the house, this item makes total sense.
Thanks to toilet paper shortages, which caused a big uproar in March, there have been a lot of bidets sold. Because apparently a clean butt is a top priority in a pandemic. According to Jason Ojalvo, CEO of Tushy, bidet sales have been 10 times higher since COVID hit.
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