This article was originally published on Use CBD For Pain. To view the original article, click here.
With the CBD industry starting to increase its pace, the base of users has steadily grown to include the likes of even seniors. The barrage of health benefits that this natural extract holds has been the engine behind its phenomenal success that continues to grow to this day. But, are senior using CBD products safe? What does science have to say about it?
Is CBD Safe For Seniors?
Seniors are one of the fastest-growing demographics of CBD users all over the world. But is CBD for seniors a good idea?
The answer to this question has been addressed by Israeli researchers who studied the effects of CBD among the elderly. The study involved a group of 184 elderly patients. 83% of them were over the age of 75. The study entailed a comprehensive and thorough examination of each of the patients at the start of the CBD therapy, and a follow-up evaluation that was carried on after a duration of 6 months from onset of therapy. All of the participants of the study had no prior experience with CBD or cannabis.
A bulk of the test group – 77% of them – suffered from chronic pain, along with other age-related conditions such as mood disorders, Parkinson’s disease, disturbance in sleep and cancer-related symptoms.
The majority of the subjects (66%) were made to consume CBD oil sublingually. This was their sole mode of administration; half of them took as many as 3 doses on a daily basis.
The scientist sought to determine the efficacy of the cannabinoid, the frequency and risk of the adverse cardiovascular and cognitive effects among other problems. In most of the cases, the side effects were very mild. The symptoms noted include sleepiness (for 11% of the test group), dizziness (12% of the test group) and dry mouth.
What was surprising was that after the 6-month follow-up, it was found out that 33% or 1/3rd of the test group was able to discontinue the use of opioids, anti-inflammatory drugs and pharmaceutical painkillers. If that isn’t promising news then I don’t know what is…
Related: Are you curious about how CBD could help you manage pain? Click here to learn more.
What Is The CBD Protocol For Seniors?
As per the study, a detailed CBD protocol was put in for the test subjects. The first step, even before the commencement of the CBD-related therapy, a case-by-case, risk-benefit analysis of older adult participants was conducted.
A careful approach was recommended because of the added risk of potential cardiovascular issues, nervous system impairment, polypharmacy and pharmacokinetic variables in play.
Sticking with the medical doctrine of “Do no harm”, the typical protocol involved the start-low, and start slow approach wherein the dosing was kept to a minimum and slowly introduced to the patients. Below shared is a brief of the dosage during the initial 2 weeks:
- Day 1 to 3: 5mg of THC+ 5mg of CBD
- Day 4 to 6: 10mg of THC+10mg of CBD
- Day 7-14: 15mg THC + 15mg CBD
Each of the patient’s progress was monitored in a close and thorough fashion. The side effects and the efficacy of the dose were looked into every step of the way. As the desired effects began to be achieved, the dosage was stabilized and there wasn’t a need to alter or change the dose throughout the length of the study.
The patients who chose to consume CBD oil by means of sublingual administration showed positive results. With respect to the THC, the observational study found that a low, non-intoxicating dose the ranged from 0.75-1.5mg of THC twice on a regular basis, was easily tolerable and helped the body to better function- a marked increase in cognition, improved mobility, increased body weight and reduced constipation.
The Bottom Line
The clinical and research experience that has been shown in countless studies point to the strong safety profile of CBD and cannabinoid-based medication, as a viable choice for the senior population, if the THC levels are balanced, with a relatively higher quantity of CBD, and if the medication is administered in an oral sublingual route.
Scientists and doctors have been able to read out promising results when it comes to CBD and cannabinoid therapy. It’s potential in being able to better the quality of life of older adults by means of mitigating pathological age-related decline was proved from the study. In the case of senior citizens, it means that there is a marked improvement in the mobility, cognition, and overall functioning of the body.
Dwell into CBD therapy much like in the case of millions of seniors around the world. The next step to the puzzle is to figure out the right CBD products to invite to be part of your CBD experience. The choices are endless and you will mostly find what you are looking for…
Related: How important is third party lab testing of CBD oil? Click here to find out more.
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