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As per much preclinical research, phytocannabinoids like cannabidiol may have tumor-inhibiting and anticancer effects. Further CBD cancer studies may be required to substantiate this, but the preliminary research result is promising. Read on to know how cannabidiol may treat this health condition.

In What Way Can Cannabidiol Help You With Cancer?

Endogenous cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids can contribute to regulating the pathways affecting cancer. That can apply to the way in which cancerous cells grow and spread.

THC’s clinical utilization tends to be controversial due to the compound’s mind-altering or intoxicating properties. Conversely, cannabidiol is not intoxicating; it is among the few well-tolerated hemp compounds. It has been demonstrated that cannabidiol can lessen the progression of the tumor in diverse forms of cancer.

A big collection of evidence through cell experiments and animal trials shows the multiple anticancer properties of phytocannabinoids, which include cannabidiol. CBD seldom has negative secondary effects, can offer considerable relief, and is particularly useful in the form of an addition to THC, said integrative physician Dustin Sulak.

Researchers are looking more profoundly into how cannabidiol might work in synergy with common chemo drugs. They are also looking at how it is possible to transition the phytocannabinoid from the lab to the treatment space.

Related: What are the differences between full-spectrum, and isolate CBD and why does it matter? Click here to learn more.

CBD For Chemotherapy Side Effects

There is also much research that supports cannabidiol’s use in the form of an adjunctive substance to lessen and prevent the secondary effects of cancer treatments. Peripheral neuropathy is among the most troublesome effects of certain cancer drugs. Peripheral neuropathy causes numbness, weakness, as well as pain occurring in the feet and hands. As many as 75% of cancer patients are likely to have it due to some chemo regimens.

Cannabidiol can aid in keeping that sensitivity from developing. As per a mice study from 2014, cannabidiol dosages administered before a sort of chemo known as paclitaxel prevented nerve sensitivity from developing in the rodents. Their nervous systems were not harmed, whereas the treatment did not compromise the effectiveness of chemotherapy. It would be interesting to know how much CBD oil cancer dosage was used as part of that 2014 investigation.

A different study has demonstrated that cannabidiol can not only support the rodents’ kidneys but also reduce cisplatin-induced kidney toxicity. For your information, cisplatin is a kind of chemo agent associated with kidney damage.

Despite all of the above, it remains to be seen whether cannabidiol would be involved in cancer treatment down the line.

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