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Millions across the globe have been using CBD for alleviating several health issues for the past years. The cannabinoid compound – CBD possesses numerous therapeutic traits. The studies showing CBD’s potential to ease anxiety disorders are in plenty. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which means it does not create any euphoric sensation, unlike THC.
Your body contains several receptors that receive signals from different stimuli. Some studies have shown that CBD could interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors present in the central and peripheral nervous system. Even though we still don’t know how exactly CBD is affecting the CB1 receptors, we know that this interaction may alter the serotonin signals.
The neurotransmitter serotonin plays a major role in improving your mental health. According to experts, lower levels of serotonin are associated with depression. Many health experts are now recommending CBD oil for alleviating anxiety because of its ability to increase serotonin levels.
CBD For Anxiety Disorders
Many studies have been conducted in the past years that reveal CBD’s natural potential to ease anxiety disorders. Studies conducted on humans and animals showed many positive results over the years.
The National Institute For Drug Abuse suggests that CBD is very effective in managing generalized anxiety disorder. Studies back that CBD is efficacious in reducing stress. When CBD was given to rats, significantly lower demeanors of anxiety were noticed. Many physiological symptoms of anxiety, including elevated heart rate improved when CBD was given to them.
Multitudinous studies carried out over the previous years have indicated that CBD may help in managing post-traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder also. It was also found that CBD is capable of alleviating anxiety-induced insomnia. People with different anxiety disorders may not get proper sleep at night, which can cause negative effects on their bodies and mind.
According to a study conducted in 2011, CBD is an effective natural remedy for social anxiety disorder. During the study, 400 mg of CBD or placebo was administered to the participants. After the study period, the people who received CBD showed significant improvement in the anxiety levels.
There are many studies conducted all over the world that shows CBD is very effective in alleviating the symptoms of PTSD. Studies are showing that the use of CBD helps in reducing nightmares and replaying traumatic memories. This may help people with PTSD to sleep better at night, which is a very important aspect of their treatment. These studies also looked at CBD as a supplement to many traditional treatments.
Related: How does CBD effect the body and brain differently than THC? Click here to find out more.
Can CBD Manage Neurological Disorders?
According to a 2017 literature review on psychiatric disorders and CBD, there is not enough evidence to say that CBD can be an effective treatment option for depression. However, there is some evidence for the ability of CBD to alleviate anxiety disorders. A study conducted in 2016 has shown that CBD’s antipsychotic effects are beneficial for people with schizophrenia. More human studies are needed to understand better how CBD is helping in alleviating anxiety disorders.
Best CBD Dosage For Consumption
If you are interested in using CBD for alleviating anxiety, you need to talk with your doctor first because they may help you figure out the right CBD dosage for you. However, you should note that the safe CBD dosage is determined based on several factors, including the severity of your condition, your body weight, CBD concentration, and the administration method.
One study conducted in 2018 showed that giving 300 mg of CBD to people with social anxiety disorder 90 minutes before a public speaking test helped to reduce their anxiety levels significantly. The study looked at 57 people with social anxiety disorders.
What Are The Aftereffects Of Using CBD?
CBD is ordinarily regarded as a safe compound. However, some recent studies are showing that CBD may cause side effects like loss of appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, fatigue, diarrhea, low blood pressure, etc. when used in high doses. CBD may also counteract with some of the medications that you use for your health problems.
How To Buy CBD Products?
According to the Farm Bill of 2018, all hemp-derived products are legal in the United States. That means the sale, possession, and use of products that are derived from hemp are legit. However, many states are yet to legalize CBD and CBD products. When you buy CBD products, make sure to check out the CBD laws in your state. Also, reassure that the amount of THC present in the CBD products is less than 0.3 %.
Before you log into online CBD stores, do a quick internet search and find out which are the reputable CBD brands in the market. These brands sell only high-quality CBD products. Make sure that the CBD product you are about to buy is organic and does not contain chemical ingredients. It is very important to ensure that the product you are about to buy has a Certificate of Analysis.
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