Team Kids is on a mission, empowering children to change the world. Founded in 2001, this nonprofit organization works alongside partners such as Irvine Unified...
The Irvine Half Marathon takes place this Saturday on January 11, welcoming local and visiting runners to participate in the annual event.
The Irvine Half M...
Growing up is never easy. Today’s youth face especially challenging times, with increasing violence, financial instability and civil unrest. These unsettled tim...
The Irvine branch of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast officially reopened last month following a six-month, $2 million renovation. The opening...
With the holidays looming, the clock is quickly counting down on your time to find the perfect present for your loved ones this season. If your winter has been ...
Irvine’s newest high-end residences, Skyloft Apartments, celebrated its opening on Monday, December 9. The ribbon-cutting ceremony welcomed the new community wi...
On Saturday, November 16, Irvine welcomed the newest addition to the Orange County Great Park: an expanded state-of-the-art playground for children of all ages....
Looking for a fun holiday activity to get into the spirit of the season? Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse is hosting families at their Gingerbread House Work...
Nestled in the hills of Irvine, the Irvine Ranch Conservancy’s Native Seed Farm is celebrating 10 years of growth and harvest.
Born out of the destruction o...
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. If you feel like enjoying the holiday without the extra serving of stress that comes with planning and preparing an elab...