Many of us take for granted the privilege of starting college straight out of high school. However, finances are one of the most common deterrents that eliminat...
It’s a feeling we are all familiar with: you graduate and are filled with a pride that quickly turns to a laser-sharp focus on finding the answer to a seemingly...
Timothy B. is a groundbreaking multimedia artist who is recognized internationally for pushing boundaries with vibrant murals and afro-indigenous illustrations,...
Using only the best cannabis, DeJanae Evins is well-respected a cannabis educator, researcher and urban cultivator. She is the founder of Green Goddess Glow, an...
Eric Fallecker loves natural wellness: to get out in nature to camp, hike and explore. No matter where he goes, his camera is always with him to share how he se...
“Cookies are my life.”
That quote could be attributed to any one of us, but this week, those words were uttered by none other than the cookie queen herself, ...
Bridget Scheiner is a professional dancer who uses dance as a form of creative expression, using CBD healing and movement to help not only herself, but others a...
It’s Autumn and the COVID-19 pandemic shows no sign of stopping. In Irvine and throughout California, things are slowly opening up, with a strong emphasis on sl...
Vanessa Temblador is an avid hiker, finding passion in getting outdoors as much as possible; she needs the best cannabis for athletes to ensure her whole-body w...
Born in Watts, California, Alonso Tal is not only a creative thinker, photographer and cyclist - but an advocate of cannabis as a tool for achieving whole body ...