As COVID-19 cases continue to spike, it looks like television and film production will continue to be in stunted production mode for the time being. But the ent...
Irvine Weekly’s Movie Guide is your look at the hottest films available on your TV sets, electronic devices and — as coronavirus restrictions continue to change...
In 2013, NBC took a massive chance when Bryan Fuller transformed an Oscar-winning cannibal into a small-screen force of nature. For three sanguinary seasons, ...
The first thing you might notice about the new HBO series, Perry Mason, is that the titular character is not a lawyer, but a lowdown private dick. This could be...
Irvine Weekly’s Movie Guide is your look at the hottest films available on your TV sets, electronic devices — and as coronavirus restrictions continue to change...
In the modern-day horror film, haunted houses are rarely depicted as large medieval manors with gothic spires and stained-glass windows. That image went out of ...
The spies for Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro are immortalized in the shoddy and scattered new Netflix film Wasp Network. Combining extensively researched real...
If the coronavirus made us seek out escapism while living in lockdown, this new moment of historic protest and social change seems to have had the opposite ef...
Irvine Weekly’s (Streaming) Movie Guide is your look at the hottest films and shows available on your TV sets and electronic devices — from indie art house gems...
With protests in support of #BlackLivesMatter still being held across the country in the wake of George Floyd's killing by a white Minnesota police officer, the...