This article was originally published on CBD Candies. To view the original article, click here.

CBD is a trending medicinal supplement and it is available in different forms such as edibles, topical creams, and also vape products. Due to the effectiveness of CBD in the treatment of conditions like epilepsy and seizure, and also due to its pain management properties, it is used by many people. Even though it is available in different forms, CBD products for oral consumption are more common among the people. The main two edible products made of CBD are CBD pills and gummies. Some of the differences between these two products are as follows.


Basis Of Distinction CBD Pills CBD Gummies
Taste and flavor Natural taste Sweet flavor
Time for absorption Low High
Dosage High Low
Usage Conditions requiring immediate attention Conditions requiring

consistent attention

Taste And Flavor

The main difference between CBD gummies and CBD pills is in its flavor. CBD gummies are similar to normal sugar gummies but it will have a specific proportion of CBD in it. The main feature of this product is that, it will not taste like raw CBD products, but like sugar candies with CBD in them. However, gummies which are suitable for diabetic patients are also available in the market. This product is also available in different flavors like orange, strawberry, etc.

On the other hand, CBD pills or capsules are not considered as a dietary supplement but as a proper medicine. This is because most of the CBD pills have only pure CBD oil as ingredient. Therefore, it will be having the natural taste of the hemp plant. However, there are some CBD pills having some other ingredients like coconut oil or olive oil, but there is not much difference in its taste and flavor from pure CBD pills.

Time For Absorption

The time required for absorbing CBD pills and edibles are different. When a person consumes a CBD gummy, it will get absorbed into the body as soon as it gets digested. Since it is having many ingredients like sugar, and flavoring substance, the complete digestion will take about 4 to 6 hours. Therefore, the CBD gummies will get fully absorbed into the systems of a person on an average of 5 hours.

The time required for absorbing CBD pills into the user’s body is less than that of other edibles like gummies. Since there are no other complex ingredients in a CBD pill, it will get fully absorbed within 4 hours. However, in some cases it will take longer if there are ingredients like carrier oils or any flavoring substances.


Both CBD gummies and pills are available in different doses. CBD gummies are considered as a snack like supplement rather than a medicine. The main aim of having gummies is to get the benefits of without the hardship of consuming it in the natural form. Therefore, most of the CBD gummies comes with low concentration of CBD to maintain the sugary flavor.

As mentioned above in this article, CBD pills are considered as a medicine and it does not have any other ingredients other than pure CBD oil. This product is also available in different dosages but the main aim of having this product is to get the full potential of this element. Therefore, CBD pills with high dosage are more preferred by the people. However, some of them also use low dosed CBD pills as per their requirement.


Even though both of them are made from the same plant, CBD pills and gummies are used for different purposes. CBD pills are comparatively high concentrated and it acts faster than gummies. Thus it is preferred for the treatment of conditions that will require immediate attention. Some of the diseases treated by CBD pills are anxiety, depression, epilepsy, etc. It is also preferred by most of the people for the treatment of conditions like hypertension.

The time required for CBD gummies are comparatively slower than other CBD products. Even though it is easy to consume, it is not so effective as pills and capsules. In addition to that, most of the gummies are having low concentration of CBD which makes it ineffective for the treatment of severe conditions. However, CBD gummies are able to give constant amount of CBD to the user and it makes effective in the treatment of pain, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. It is also an effective mode of providing CBD to children.

CBD gummies and pills are made using cannabidiol extracted from the hemp plant. However, there are some differences between its effectiveness and absorption rates. Therefore, making a choice depends on the needs of the user. If someone is looking for a CBD product that can be used as a proper medicine, then pills would be the best choice but they are looking for a dietary supplement, gummies will act better.

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