In Residue, the superb debut film from writer-director Merawi Gerima, Jay (Obinna Nwachukwu), a budding filmmaker who has returned to his Washington D.C. neighb...
Irvine Weekly’s Movie Guide is your look at the hottest films available on your TV sets, electronic devices and — as coronavirus restrictions continue to change...
Once upon a time, there was a summer camp in the Catskills region of upstate New York where physically challenged teens went to do the things kids the world ove...
Sure, we’re all stuck at home but that doesn’t mean we can’t go to the movies — we can do it from the couch. Our screens, through cable and online on-demand ser...
On Oscar day, it’s not unusual for a movie critic to receive several (slightly frantic) text messages from friends seeking advice on the office awards pool: “Wh...