In a recent post on Village Voice, film critic Erin Maxwell shares their thoughts on Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the much-anticipated Marvel release. Wrappe...
In their latest piece for the LA Weekly Unbinged series, writer Erin Maxwell reviews the newest vampire-inspired entertainment to hit our screens this fall TV s...
In her latest piece for L.A. Weekly, film reviewer Erin Maxwell writes her thoughts on Rob Zombie’s resurrection of the horror classic, Munsters. A self-proclai...
Marvel's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe outing to feature one of Marvel’s “old guard,” something that is be...
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore is the third installment from the Harry Potter off-shoot based on a Magizoology textbook that at this point, has ver...
Streaming services, cable TV and Primetime television are fighting for your viewership now more than ever. UnBinged is here to help you weed through it all, wit...
Streaming services, cable TV and Primetime television are fighting for your viewership now more than ever. UnBinged is here to help you weed through it all, wit...
Matt Reeves' The Batman is the latest revamp of the classic DC Comics superhero who is best known for his cowl and scowl. Like other incarnations of The Dark Kn...
Streaming services, cable TV and Primetime television are fighting for your viewership now more than ever. UnBinged is here to help you weed through it all, wit...
Streaming services, cable TV and Primetime television are fighting for your viewership now more than ever. UnBinged is here to help you weed through it all, wit...