It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly Disney’s villains became more interesting than their princesses, but somewhere along the way the company’s marketing geniuses...
Trading in mindless slashers and supernatural menaces with something altogether more pathological and inventive, the SAW franchise provided a ravaging new direc...
Sometimes even the schmalziest and most contrived stories turn out to be engrossing on film, saved by the charisma and chemistry of the stars involved. The dial...
Watching the Academy Awards is a cultural tradition for many households, but those of us who grew up in L.A. have had a slightly different perspective on the lo...
“It’s been seven years and an exhausting redemption crawl through the sewer to get here,” comedian Eric Andre remarks wistfully about Bad Trip, his new prank co...
Spring is here, and movie theaters are slowly starting to re-open, along with everything else. Are we ready to sit in a small (or big) dark room full of strange...
Documentaries are dominating the streaming TV space as of late and there are quite a few worth your time this month. From music legend Tina Turner to the colleg...
As cultural awakenings continue to play tug of war with public opinion- both old and new, the lines between sexism, objectification and misogyny have blurred, a...
In Hollywood, everything gets a sequel. As much as we whine about what's being released these days, intellectual property rules because it's easy to remake, reb...
Nomadland is a film that exists somewhere between reality and fantasy. It’s both unrelenting in its hand-to-mouth realism and transcendent, with a dreamlike sto...