Smoking hemp flowers hasn’t overtaken the CBD oil or edibles markets, but it has seen tremendous growth in the past few years. Recent estimates suggest the CBD ...
By now, most customers assume hemp-extracted CBD products are legal in the USA. After all, didn’t the 2018 US Farm Bill legalize all hemp-derived goods? If a CB...
Gone are the days of using "THC" as shorthand for "delta-9 THC." Now that scientists can more easily study cannabis plants, we know there are many "THCs" in the...
By now, most pet owners are familiar with the potential benefits of feeding CBD pet treats to dogs and cats. Since it’s most likely a pet-owning American family...
Along with the “munchies” and red eyes, “cottonmouth” is a common side effect associated with cannabis use. Many people who use medical or recreational marijuan...
Although many people don't consider cannabis to be as psychoactive as substances like peyote or LSD, all of these items are lumped into the same Schedule I drug...
People unfamiliar with the hemp market are often surprised to learn that many CBD oils have slight traces of delta-9 THC. Despite the federal ban on recreationa...
Decarboxylation is a scary-looking word, but it’s a reasonably straightforward process. If you’ve smoked or vaped CBD flowers before, you already have first-han...
The popular opinion on CBD is that it's "super-safe" for healthy adults — and, in most cases, that's true. However, dosage will always affect the safety profile...
In the cannabis community, there's still controversy surrounding a phenomenon known as the "weed hangover." Some cannasseurs believe smoking too much THC-contai...