Orange Police Department confirmed four deaths after a gunman opened fire at a business complex, Wednesday.

Officers responded to a call for “shots fired” and arrived to active gunshots at 202 W. Lincoln Avenue.

“The officers did engage with the suspect and an officer involved shooting did occur,” Lt. Jennifer Amat said. “At the scene we do have four deceased, one of which is a child.”

The suspect was put in custody and transported to a local hospital and the area was “stabilized” at around 7 p.m.

As of 10:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 31, no further in formation has been released on the suspect, nor those killed on-scene.

“We’re going to do our best to get the identities of those victims,” Lt. Amat said.

Police said this was the largest shooting in the city of Orange since 1997, when a former Caltrans employee opened fire in a Caltrans trailer with an AK-47, killing four.

An update on the shooting will be given by the Orange Police Department at 10 a.m., Thursday.

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