In partnership with The Fresh Toast
This year’s flu season has the added stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s how you can take better care of yourself.
The coronavirus has been around for most of the year. Now that fall is coming and the temperature is dropping, people will have the added stress of colds and the seasonal flu. While the diseases are vastly different, COVID-19, the seasonal flu, and a good old fashioned cold share some common threads.
While the flu feels more severe than a cold, both ailments can be confused with coronavirus, at least at first. These conditions can quickly cause fevers, coughing and sniffling. While the coronavirus still remains mysterious, the conversation around the virus has progressed enough that most people know of its symptoms and how to differentiate it from other viruses. Still, it’s important to stay vigilant and take better care of our health during this time of the year.
Here are some tips that can help you prepare for this coming winter:
Wear your mask

Photo by EVG photos via Pexels
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The good thing about the pandemic is that we’re all being a little more careful with our health and sanitary practices. Masks and face coverings not only help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, they also prevent the spread of seasonal flus and colds by managing respiratory droplets. Keep up with social distancing and sanitary measures; we know they work.
Get a flu shot

Photo by WerbeFabrik via Pixabay
If there’s one year where everyone should get the flu shot, it’s this one. While getting the flu shot won’t completely eliminate the risk of getting the flu, it does help reduce your odds of contracting and spreading it. Once you get your flu shot, you’ll get peace of mind while also avoiding an unnecessary trip to the doctor during a time when they’re overworked.
Take care of yourself

Photo by Ivan Oboleninov via Pexels
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While you don’t have to go overboard and start taking Vitamin C supplements, you should pay special attention to the basics of keeping your body healthy, which rely on good eating and decent sleeping habits. Go to bed early if you can, and make sure to eat plenty of plant-based foods through the week. Also, avoid extra stress if possible, even if it’s a tall order during the pandemic; delegate tasks at work, ask for help when you need it, and be extra communicative with the people in your support group.
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