Addressing the recent increase of COVID-19 cases in Orange County and across the nation, Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan explained that the increase is not surprising, but urged caution within the community, due to the “aggressive transmission” of the now prominent Delta variant.

While Orange County has yet to issue a mask mandate, Khan explained that in the near future the Orange County Health Agency will be monitoring transmission indicator information from the Centers for Disease Control, which will determine if the county will implement a mask mandate.

“Right now, we’re not at a point where we need the mask mandate,” she said. “Right now, our case rate is at a point where we don’t need to mandate masks.”

While Khan does not think a mask mandate is needed at this time, she expects new HCA guidance next week.

In a phone call with Irvine Weekly, Khan noted that more than 90% of Irvine’s senior population and 73% of 16-to-65-year-old in Irvine are now vaccinated.

Despite Irvine’s high vaccination rates, Khan said she has been made aware that in breakthrough cases, the vaccinated can be infected with COVID-19, without showing symptoms, meaning they can still act as carriers of the virus.

“The good news, with this increase, we’re not seeing it increase in the same way we did last summer and fall,” Khan said by phone on Friday, July 23. “From what I’m understanding, there are people that are vaccinated that are still getting infected, but they’re not showing symptoms — so they could be carriers, spreading it to others.”

With these COVID-19 breakthrough cases, Khan explained that vaccinated individuals often find out they are COVID-19 positive after visiting the hospital for a non-COVID-19 related issue.

“A lot of people could be walking around, not knowing that they could be carrying the virus, because they’re not getting any of the symptoms,” she said. “We need to make sure that the unvaccinated folks are protected or they are vaccinated in order to decrease the number of cases that we’re seeing.”

While the concept of vaccinated COVID-19 infections might be difficult to understand, Khan said she is trying to do everything in her power to educate individuals to take precautions and continue to encourage vaccination across the board.

“I think the county is trying their best, I know we’re trying to get this message out,” she said. “It’s going to take everyone’s part to take those precautionary measures. I think it’s really going to be based on seeing an increase in our vaccination rates.”

On Friday, July 23, the Orange County Health Agency reported 423 new COVID-19 cases, which was the highest daily COVID-19 total since February. Orange County hospitalizations have also increased daily since July 18. Currently, HCA reported 156 patients were being treated for COVID-19, with 44 in the intensive care unit. 

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