The Irvine Police Department drone team has released footage showing SWAT officers rescuing a person from the second-story balcony of a residence, as Irvine SWAT was engaged with a suspect who allegedly shot and killed his roommate inside the home on Monday, July 4.

The footage, taken during a three-hour standoff with the alleged suspect, was posted on the department’s Facebook page on Tuesday, July 5.

In the post, the department confirmed that the suspect, David Bohr, 39, was arrested for a homicide that occurred at the residence on Leda. Another resident living in the home notified the Irvine Police Department after hearing arguing and subsequent gunshots inside the home, according to IPD.

When officers arrived, the suspect was reportedly threatening to take his own life.

“Upon arrival, a team of officers initiated a crisis entry in an attempt to rescue the gunshot victim. Shortly after entering the residence, they located the victim behind the front door and confirmed he was deceased. Bohr presented himself at the top of the stairs with the gun pointed to his head. Officers began communicating with Bohr who refused to surrender. Additional officers began evacuating surrounding residences,” the Facebook post read.

At approximately 5:00 a.m., Bohr surrendered to officers and was taken into custody for the murder.

“[The suspect] was transported to IPD for booking and will eventually be taken to the Orange County Jail (OCJ),” according to IPD’s Facebook post.

IPD did not indicate what led to the outcome of the situation involving the roommates, but that an investigation is currently underway.

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