Irvine community members using Reddit and NextDoor reported hearing loud noises near Westpark in Irvine on Monday, March 27. However, as of Tuesday, March 28, the Irvine Police Department said it was not aware of any reports matching that description.
Community members reported hearing the noise around 9 p.m. on Monday evening near the Target off Barranca Parkway.
Loud Explosion seemingly centered near Westpark last night – any idea what it was?
by u/hotdogfever in irvine
While IPD could not verify the source of resident reports online, community members reported seeing a flash accompanied by a loud noise. Some hypothesized that a transformer had exploded.
Irvine Police Sergeant Karie Davies said the department had not been made aware of the reports, adding that no reports matching that description of events was found in the daily police log.
“Not aware of anything like that occurring and nothing on our daily log,” Davies wrote in an email to Irvine Weekly.
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