This article was originally published on My CBD FAQ. To view the original article, click here.

The US Farm Act of 2018 has lifted the restrictions on cultivating hemp plants and compounds derived from it like cannabidiol (CBD). As a result of this, health and wellness product manufacturers are using cannabidiol as an active ingredient due to its therapeutic and health benefits. Besides, people are using CBD to treat the symptoms of a wide variety of ailments because it does not have side effects at normal doses. One of the common doubts of women is whether it is safe to use CBD during breastfeeding and the purpose of this article is to best attempt to answer this question.

FDA Warning

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning that advises against the use of any kind of cannabis-derived products, especially cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The Use Of CBD

CBD health and wellness products are popular among users; they are using it for treating common day ailments like pain, inflammation, headaches, muscle and joint pain, wounds, skin issues, etc. Also, it is being gradually legalized in different states of the country. Apart from the general use, cannabidiol is also used for managing the symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and a range of other health issues.

Related: Curious about 10 of the most commonly asked CBD centered questions? Click here.

Health Risk Of Using CBD

According to the FDA, cannabidiol products produce potential health risks for pregnant and breastfeeding women, despite all the CBD health benefits. Legally available cannabidiol products are made using hemp plant extracts that contain up to 0.3% of THC. This cannabinoid, when it enters the fetus from the mother’s bloodstream, causes brain development issues. Apart from this, it may also lead to low birth weight, stillbirth, or premature birth.

The brain development issue persists even after birth as the baby is exposed to THC through breast milk. This leads to reduced cognitive function and hyperactivity. The effect of cannabidiol (CBD) on the development of fetuses and newborns is not well understood as not much research has been done. But animal studies in pregnant animals have shown that high doses of CBD impaired the development of the reproductive system in male fetuses.

Cannabidiol Market Is Largely Unregulated

The reason for the FDA issuing warnings against the use of CBD by pregnant breastfeeding women is that the market for cannabidiol health and wellness products is unregulated. Furthermore, the chances of coming across low-quality cannabidiol products are high because all of them are not made equal due to the lack of proper regulations. Consuming such products pose the risk of harmful substances entering your body.

On a final note, before consuming cannabidiol (CBD) health and wellness products, you must consult with your physician.

Related: Looking for a guide to select the best CBD distributor? Click here to learn more.


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