Governor Gavin Newsom announced that churches, shopping malls and personal care services will be able to reopen statewide with limitations on Tuesday.
While most of the state will be entering Stage 3 of the governor’s plan, L.A. County continues to work out its plan for reopening what Los Angeles considers higher-risk businesses.
For the counties who will be reopening, Newsom reiterated that places of worship will be allowed to open up to 25 percent of the building’s capacity, or up to 100 persons. They will also be asked to continue physical distancing procedures, along with taking attendees’ temperatures, and limiting group singing.
The in-store shopping malls will be asked to conduct procedures similar to ones implemented by essential businesses the last two months. Along with putting physical distance markers on the floors, and implementing plexiglass barriers between workers and shoppers, they will also be asked to thoroughly clean high traffic areas, clean shared equipment after each use, and dedicate hours for at-risk shoppers.
Personal care businesses such as barber shops, hair and nail salons will also be reopening, albeit with extra precautions as well.
“As we start to mix with cohorts of people that we haven’t been spending a lot of time with, the prospects of an increased number of cases obviously presents itself,” Newsom said Tuesday. “It’s incumbent upon all of us to continue to take this seriously and continue to practice physical distancing where we must.”
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