In this latest article from our sister publication in Florida, Laker/Lutz News, staff writer Mike Camunas reports on Learning Gate Community School, where sixth-graders have built solar panels that power and charge electrical devices. The fun and informative project taught the students about clean energy and allowed them to work towards their goals: to create clean energy, to stop CO2 emissions, to educate themselves and others about solar power and, last, but not least, to impress Elon Musk.

“It took the first quarter of the school year to build the solar panels and wire them so the power can be converted into electricity,” writes Camunas. “Once they had the power, the students — supervised by environmental science teacher Steve Warrener — were able to plug in devices such as a power drill, as well as a karaoke machine speaker to listen to some of their favorite tunes.”

Read more on Laker/Lutz News here. 

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