This article was originally published on CBD Hemp and Oils. To view the original article, click here.
CBD Distillate
Base oil or carrier oil is utilized to ‘carry’ plant supplements and essential oils. Often, essential oils are extremely strong, and when used in the raw form, these would cause skin irritation. So it is important for essential oils to be diluted with base oils and ‘carried’ into your skin. Note that CBD is retailed in the form of a supplement, not medicine. Supplements like cannabidiol, absorb in a better way through base oil. The oil is utilized to fill plant-derived chemical compounds and plants with food.
Base oil is derived from many different plant parts. A carrier oil tends to have mild essence and mild flavor, and it works to facilitate the absorption process of the organic plant substances it is mixed with. At the same time, the oil itself has therapeutic properties.
Like essential oils, there are one-of-a-kind benefits and properties to every single carrier oil. Some oils absorb in a better way compared to others and have high bioavailability. For instance, the ideal carrier oil to create your own cannabidiol tincture is MCT oil. Conversely, it is better to use arnica oil for localized pains.
Now, let us take a more in-depth look at each CBD carrier oil available.
This is regarded as among the best base oils out there. Why? Because it absorbs in a better manner than almost every other carrier oil and provides higher CBD bioavailability. There appears to be some amazing attributes to MCT oil, including the following.
- It has antibacterial properties
- It is beneficial for skin health
- It can treat cognition deficits
- It is rich in fatty acids
Hemp Seed Oil
This is considered beneficial for health and wellbeing partly since it is rich in fatty acids. The hemp-based product protects the brain, reduces inflammation, and makes the user less likely to suffer from heart disease. Besides these three, it is associated with many other health benefits too. So it works well in the form of CBD base oil. Using it as base oil is considered effective for making a CBD product like CBD pastes and CBD balms.
Related; Are there differences between CBD oil and cannabis oil? Click here to find out.
Avocado Oil
Many love avocado, and it makes an excellent base oil too. While the base oil may not be just as efficacious as the aforesaid MCT oil, it is rich in nutrients and has many different benefits. Do you love to consume healthy fats? If you do, then you might have some amount of addiction to avocado. The following are some of the attributes of avocado oil.
- It is high in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and lutein
- It is rich in the healthy fat known as oleic acid
- It can nourish and moisturize the skin
- It continuously works to maintain the body functioning in an optimal way
Natural avocado oil stimulates nutrients’ absorption into the human skin, plus it is the ideal base oil for CBD skincare products.
Sunflower Oil
Natural sunflower oil contains lots of healthy minerals and vitamins. It is affordable and worth using as part of all DIY CBD product making projects. The sunflower-derived oil is beneficial for skin health, it has antioxidative effects, promotes skin regeneration, and helps with skin irritation.
It is eco-friendly and is among the healthy substitutes for conventional cooking oils. It serves as an excellent CBD carrier oil.
Grapeseed Oil
A grape has antioxidant properties. So unsurprisingly, grapeseed oil too is full of the same antioxidants. Unlike the aforementioned avocado oil, it is lighter and smoother on your skin. Are you planning to produce a cannabidiol massage oil? If yes, consider grapeseed oil to be the base oil and think about adding more essential oils to get a fragrance. When used in a carrier oil’s form for the massage oil, the concoction works amazingly to reduce wrinkles, and it is great for irritated or dry skin.
Related: Curious what CBD products are best for sublingual consumption? Click here to find out.
Arnica Oil
The powerful flower, arnica has anti-inflammatory effects, and it is a well-known alternative to standard medication for sprains, bruises, and sore muscle. It is thought that the potent flower helps with pains, bruises, muscle soreness, sprains, and insect bites.
When using the powerful carrier oil, you should have slightly more focus on how much you use. In concentrated form and high doses, it can be a toxic flower. When used in the right way with cannabidiol, it can serve as an incredible pain aid, which gives natural relief.
Pomegranate Seed Oil
This is a therapeutic base oil loaded with essential fats and vitamins. It can boost the immune system, has antioxidants, may make cognitive functions better, and improves digestion. It is beneficial for both hearth health and hormone balance. Besides, punicic acid present in it is associated with preventing cancer.
Above all, it is a perfect option for a carrier oil as you make CBD skincare products. Think about adding it with cannabidiol and thereby, take your skincare product to another level.
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