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Despite the popularity of detox teas and juicing practices, there’s only one beverage that can detox your body of toxins.
Detox is a common word nowadays, enveloping a variety of behaviors. It can include detox teas or juices. In theory, detoxing sounds quite appealing, especially after an indulgent week or the holiday season. Despite how popular these practices are, certain experts are quick to point out that, really, the only drink capable of detoxing your body is water.
According to Medical News Today, our bodies are supposed to naturally eliminate toxins through our livers. Despite what certain products and companies might advertise, the liver is capable of doing the work on its own, without needing the boost of certain kinds of vinegar or detox teas.
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Eat This, Not That spoke to Jessica Bippen, a dietician, who says that juicing and other detox practices encourage a toxic diet culture and that people should stick to water, which gets the work done more effectively than anything else. “These detoxes typically turn into another form of yo-yo dieting or a restriction-binge cycle,” she said. “The marketing around selling detoxes catches people in a vulnerable state when they’re desperate for change. Most people (even if unintentionally) approach detox with a ‘quick-fix mindset’ hoping the detox or cleanse will give them the results they’re looking for in terms of health.”
Detoxes tend to lack the natural nutrients your body needs, increasing your risk of developing metabolic acidosis, which occurs when you disrupt your body’s acid-base and results in an excess of acidity in your bloodstream.

Your body is built to naturally eliminate these toxins, with water being the only substance that can speed this process up. By drinking enough water, you’ll be supporting your natural detoxification process and avoiding restrictions that could result in problems in the long run. Drinking enough water on a daily basis will help you flush out toxins through your urine and removing harmful agents from your bloodstream through normal processes, like sweating and breathing.
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If you need occasional reminders to increase how much water you drink, Bippen recommends drinking a cup of water first thing in the morning, and a cup of water before having any other beverages, like coffee. Per experts, we’re supposed to drink half of our body weight in water, which sounds like a lot, but is a manageable number.
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