In partnership with The Fresh Toast
Flurona is the rare co-infection of the flu and the coronavirus. Here’s what you should know about it — and how you can (try to) avoid it.
In these trying times, the last thing we need is another supercouple, but here we are. Despite the alarmist headlines and the appearance of yet another illness, there’s no need to panic.
Flurona is simply a co-infection of the flu and coronavirus. It’s also nothing new; it’s been around since the beginning of the pandemic. As the name suggests, Flurona occurs when a person is infected with both the flu and the coronavirus, or when they experience both infections back-to-back.
Due to Omicron’s fast spread and our current penchant to track every upwards tick of the pandemic, it’s logical that the term Flurona is getting a lot of coverage. Here’s what you should know about it.
What is its effect?

RELATED: 4 Tips For Safely Sharing Weed During Flu Season
Two infections are definitely worse than one. Flurona is unlikely, but if it occurs, people would experience symptoms of both, with the co-infection putting more strain on your immune system. According to a metanalysis, people who tested positive for another infection while they were coping with COVID-19 faced worse outcomes. Unsurprisingly, needing treatment for symptoms aside from the ones prompted by COVID-19 is not ideal.
Don’t stress too much about it

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Flurona is not a new disease to look out for; it’s simply the dubbing of that co-infection. Because both infections come from different families, it’s unlikely for them to morph and create a whole new illness. While possible — especially this time of year when flu season is in full swing — it’s very unlikely to catch both infections at the same time, especially if you’re being relatively careful, wearing face masks and washing your hands often. Cold, COVID, Or Flu? Here Are Some Key Differences You Should Know
In short

Get the flu shot and the COVID-19 vaccine.
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