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The CBD industry has come a long way and has been showing up in shelves from the west coast to east. Of all the things that people are sure that CBD use doesn’t entail, one question that people often ask is: Does hemp get you high? After all, up till 2018, it was a scheduled class I controlled substance that was in the same league as meth and heroin. Let us help clear the air, on why people think it gets them high. The issue was that the legislators were just as ignorant, and it was finally in the Farm Act, 2018 that we got the closure that they weren’t all hot-headed and blind. At least for the most part.
Why Do People Think That Hemp CBD Gets Them High?
For the same reason that hemp CBD has been listed in the same gang as meth and heroine – i.e. a controlled substance whose possession, distribution, purchase and use are considered illegal at a federal level. Notwithstanding that, hemp has close genetical ties with marijuana. They are both of the Cannabis sativa family, leading to many believing that hemp is no different than marijuana.
This fact has been refuted time and again, and more people are coming to their senses. Hemp and its derivatives are short on a substance called THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is an intoxicating psychoactive substance. This means that it induces the effects of psychosis when consumed. The symptoms of psychosis include delusions, hallucinations, loss of mobility and hand-eye coordination, slurred and incoherent speech, among others. The percentage of this intoxicating substance, THC that is present in hemp is a measly 0.3% of the dry weight.
There is no other substance or compound in hemp that causes intoxication or any symptoms of psychosis. In the case of marijuana, however, the presence of THC is an exorbitant 30-40% by dry weight. This is the reason why users are intoxicated when they consume marijuana fumes or ingest marijuana. So simply put, the reason for you feeling high or ‘dopey’ is only because of THC.
Related: Are you a senior citizen curious about hoe CBD could potentially benefit you? Click here to learn more.
Manufacturers are removing THC from CBD, in countries that allow the use of medical marijuana. The CBD is more potent in marijuana strains, but due to the high concentration of THC, it is frowned upon. This does make the cost shoot up, as the process of filtration is long-drawn and complicated. However, the cost to benefits ratio is perfect and you are better off with great health than your wallet jiggling with coins.
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