This article was originally published on I Heart CBD Oil. To View the original article, please click here.

You may have noticed a recent surge in CBD drinks if you’ve been following the CBD industry. They’ve grown in popularity to the point where they’re now competing with tinctures and other consumables. So, if you’re looking at these CBD drinks, you’re probably aware that CBD is water-soluble. However, you’ve certainly seen CBD labeled as “oil-soluble” in publications or resources about CBD. Oil and water do not mix, as you may recall from primary school science.

Let’s take a look at how CBD is made water-soluble and why this type of CBD is becoming increasingly popular among customers.

Is CBD Fat-Soluble?

CBD is a cannabinoid compound. CBD and other cannabinoids are soluble in oil, which implies they are hydrophobic. Since the oily material repels water, combining CBD oil and water would result in a separation. Because of this fundamental property of CBD oil, some study suggests that high-fat diets can boost CBD absorption in the body. In fact, many specialists are now advising that the greatest diet for CBD users is one rich in healthy fats.

Because fatty meals are easily absorbed by the body, mixing CBD with fat can assist the CBD to penetrate fully into the blood. CBD products are frequently mixed with fat to aid absorption and boost bioavailability.

Is CBD Water-Soluble?

Something that is water soluble dissolves equally in water. Sugar, for example, would dissolve equally rather than separate in a cup of water. Although an oil-soluble lipid is not water-soluble in its natural state, there is a mechanism for converting many oil-loving molecules to water-soluble. When oils are manufactured as a micro- or nanoemulsion, a “stable and visually uniform oil/water mixture,” they can be converted into water-compatible molecules.

Cannabinoids can be made water-compatible and seem water-soluble using a specialized food production procedure. If you’ve ever made a basic salad dressing from scratches, such as balsamic vinegar and olive oil, you know how oil and fat don’t mix well. They keep their distance. If you’ve become a more experimental home cook in the past year, you might have attempted to “emulsify” a dressing or sauce. Making CBD water-soluble is similar to how you make mayonnaise or hollandaise by combining oil and liquids.

Effects Of Water-Soluble CBD

The goal of creating water-soluble CBD is to allow it to be used in a variety of products. Although a specific method is required to make CBD water soluble, it has no significant impact on how CBD functions. If you’re looking for therapeutic assistance for a specific problem, you’ll find that ordinary CBD oil and water-soluble CBD have the same results. CBD that is water-soluble has the same effects as CBD that isn’t water-soluble. It has a slightly distinct role in the body because it is water-soluble.

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