Election day is upon us, and Tuesday, November 3, will be the last opportunity for voters across nation to cast their choices for the president of the United States as well as local and state races for the 2020 General Election.
For voters in Irvine, Tuesday will also be the last day to vote for a candidate for mayor of Irvine, and two new City Council members. Residents will have the opportunity to vote for School Board Trustees.
California voters will also be deciding the fate of a dozen California Ballot Measures and will also be selecting a candidate for the California State Assembly, along with the state Senate.
In order to ensure voters submit their ballots to a Ballot Drop Box or be able to cast a vote in time before Vote Centers close at 8:00 p.m, here is a list of ballot drop off locations in Irvine. Voters can also check online for the nearest Ballot Drop Box to them.
Vote Center Locations in Irvine:

There are more than a dozen Voting Centers in Irvine. All Voting Centers will be open until 8:00 pm on Tuesday Nov. 3.
Secure Drop Box Locations for Ballots:
Additionally, the city of Irvine has more than a dozen different Voting Centers around the city. Voters who are unsure about their registration status or the location of their mail-ballot can seek assistance at any Voting Center in Orange County.
All voters can check here for the Voting Center nearest to them. To help voters better navigate the hustle and bustle of last minute voting, voters can also check OC Vote for a list of wait times at each Voting Center in the county.
The all Voting Centers will be open until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Ballot Drop Off locations will be unlocked until 8:00 p.m, Tuesday, Nov. 3.
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