In partnership with The Fresh Toast
While Halloween and marijuana seems like a perfect pairing for the cannabis enthusiast, it’s important to remember that there are right and wrong ways to infuse the celebration with weed.
Halloween is perhaps the most unique holiday celebration of the year. It’s the only day where you can dress like pretty much anything and run amok in the streets without anyone so much as batting an eye. Not only that, but it’s spooky and creative energy tends to lend itself nicely to a little THC.
From haunted houses to costume parades, all sorts of Halloween happenings can be heightened by cannabis. Marijuana is a one way to take your spooky or comical Halloween adventure to the next level, but there are definitely some precautions you should take before you set off on your fright fest.
While Halloween and marijuana seems like a perfect pairing for the cannabis enthusiast, it’s important to remember that there are right and wrong ways to infuse the celebration with weed. In order to make sure you and those around you have a safe and memorable halloween weekend, we laid out some essential do’s and don’ts for you to follow.

Embrace the Halloween Snacks and Treats
Halloween is not exactly a gourmet holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas. It is, however, perhaps the best day of the year for the munchies. From rice crispy treats and candied apples to mountains of bite sized candy bars and sweet candies, Halloween is a genuine munchies heaven.
“The Munchies,” as any cannabis user knows, and as we reported, are very much a real and scientific side effect of cannabis. Embrace the moment, and indulge in all the sweets and otherwise forbidden treats that this holiday has to offer. Maybe consider having a big salad earlier in the day to make you feel less guilty later. And no matter how high you get, remember to brush your fangs before you retire to your coffin for the night.
Don’t Eat All the Candy
It can happen to the best of us. You decided to stay in instead of going out, and you are ready for all the trick-or-treaters. But the doorbell isn’t ringing, so you take a peak into the candy bowl and take one piece. Suddenly the bowl is half gone and the bell won’t stop ringing. Don’t be that house that has to turn off its light because you ate all the trick-or-treater candy.
To avoid this, have your own stash. Select the candy you like best, and make that your trick or treat snack. Just consider whatever is leftover an added bonus for you and your household, the next day.

Arrange Safe Transportation to Your Destinations
According to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTA), on Halloween, “during the years 2015-2019, there were 126 people killed in drunk-driving crashes.” Not only does this shed light on the fact that Halloween is a dangerous day to be on the road, but it also means police presence will be in full effect.
Halloween is a popular day for police to have sobriety checkpoints and road blocks where they conduct field sobriety tests. Just because you think you are no longer high does not mean that you can’t still get arrested for a marijuana related DUI, especially if you consumed marijuana in the last few hours, or have it on your person. Take a ride service or public transportation and make sure you stay safe.
Embrace the “Spooky,” Avoid Paranoia
Of all holidays, Halloween can be the most mind-bending and emotionally jarring. There are crowds of people dressed in all sorts of wild costumes, and everyone – friends and strangers alike – wants to scare you.
RELATED: When Exactly Should I Pop My Edible?
One side effect of cannabis is paranoia, and the last thing you want to add to your Halloween is increased paranoia. Sure, there are ways to cope with cannabis-induced anxiety and paranoia, but it’s better to not let it even get to that point, especially on this wild weekend. Instead, make sure you take the right dose of a strain that has been reliable to you in the past. Don’t use Halloween as an excuse to test out a new strain if you can avoid it. Go with what works.

Get Your Costume and Plans in Order Before You Get High
Don’t make the rookie move of getting high before you get your costume together. The odds are you may completely lose motivation, or take your costume into a strange and incomprehensible direction. Most of all, it can make you very late.
It is easy for Halloween night to slip away from you while you’re vibing with your costume in front of the mirror. So make sure you get your costume and plans in order before you pop your edible or roll a joint. It will help get you out the door on time.
Be Sure To Label Your Edibles
With so many brownies, cupcakes, chocolates and gummies everywhere, your weed edibles can easily get lost in the shuffle. Make sure you keep your stash in its packaging and on your person. Also, if you decide to make a batch of edibles for your friends at a party, label them and portion them out appropriately.
RELATED: Trick Or Treat: Tips For Keeping Candy Edibles Away From Children
Never leave this precious gift unattended or unlabeled. It is best practice to individually wrap and label them, and hand them out personally. It’s a nice touch and definitely the safest route.
Don’t Be a Zombie (Unless That’s Your Costume)
Remember that halloween is a long day, and can involve lots of walking, dancing and bar hopping. Don’t get so stoned right off the bat that you just want to sit in the corner like a mummy – even if that’s what you’re dressed as. Portion control is key on holidays like this. Learn how to consume the proper edible dose if you are at all unsure and plan on consuming instead of smoking your weed. It makes sure you have energy to spare and will keep you safe and in control on this often daunting holiday.

Know the Marijuana Possession Laws In Your Area
Before you embark on your Halloween cannabis journey, make sure you know your state’s marijuana possession laws. Just because you bought the marijuana legally does not mean you can take it anywhere.
For example, “open containers” of marijuana should never be brought into a car. Also, many haunted houses are on municipal or even federal land, which can be a no-go for cannabis possession. Make sure you know where you are going, as cannabis may be forbidden in these areas.
As we have previously reported, just because marijuana is legal doesn’t mean you won’t still get arrested for having it. Many private clubs also have door policies that prohibit cannabis, so read up on your destinations and your laws before you venture out.
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